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Friday 27 April 2012

Japanese firm has developed self-repairing protective film

Toray Advanced Film Company has developed techniques to manufacture protective film that is capable of 

mending itself from small scratches. The company is calling this "Self-cure Coat Film" and it is produced using a

wet coat of self-repairing layer (made of disclosed material), over a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film.

Toray has been selling these in limited numbers for some time now, as decorative films for notebook computers;
however, the company is now equipped to go into mass production.According to the company, the protective

film has a high viscosity that gives it cushioning characteristics, in addition to being able to self-repair minor

abrasions. The company further claims that the protective layer is able to mend scratches in 10 seconds, under

room temperature and they have confirmed this by testing it about 20,000 times in succession. Toray is

expecting to begin mass production of Self-cure Coat Film at its setup in Fukushima, at a rate of several

hundred thousand square meters per year.

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